Internet Surveillance Protection
In the Internet, anyone can spy on you, both legally and in violation of privacy rights.

Unfortunately, there are still countries in the world with totalitarian regimes and conditions in which
it is very difficult and dangerous to express an honest opinion and freely promote one's views.
Ukrainian journalists, human rights and other activists forced to work in such countries, should know
how to take care of their security, confidentiality of transmitted data, as well as protection of
information sources.

In addition, Internet providers, browsers, data brokers - people, organizations and programs can
observe what literally every user is doing on the Internet. And it’s not necessarily about a violation of
the law: the purpose of data collection can be advertising or research. But all this is still being
intrusion into private life.

New ways of protecting against surveillance on the Internet are constantly being developed and
implemented, even in legislation: for example, the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR, which
sets an important global standard for protecting privacy rights, information security and regulatory
compliance in Europe.

We, from our part, want to make a project for those who believe they are in a group of potential or
real risk to their privacy, personal security or security of their personal data. It is a project that will
help every legitimate way to protect constitutional rights and democratic freedoms.
The project will detail software products, tips and procedures to ensure the principles of
transparency, accountability and protection of individual rights, fundamental freedoms and privacy in

This project will help protect Ukrainian journalists and activists in the digital space and serve as a
means of exchanging ideas and experiences to further innovation in the field and in the world at

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